Don’t have much time for rping these days? Having trouble committing to an entire campaign? We get that! And we also get that it’d be fun to play despite the obstacles, and that’s why we wanted to try a beta concept!
The solution we came up with is: Become an NPC!
How about it? Got your attention yet?
Want to rp someone’s best friend? How about introducing a shopkeeper? Wanna hang out with a smaller but more manageable oc? Then this might be the right option for you! We know a lot of friends like to hc npcs even when they’re not in the same group, and we’d like to find a fun way to legalize that without requiring full commitment!
NPCs in DEATH RACE work with/around the main players in the Reaper’s Game. They can be any person existing in the Real World (meaning they’re alive!) and have any relationships they wish to have. Anything goes for this position, from a Player’s sibling, to a Player’s surf teacher, or even an unrelated shopkeep who just happens to see the Players from time to time!
REMINDER: NPC Characters are very much alive!
That means you haven't seen the player characters in a while. Sometimes it's hard remembering their face...
There are 2 types of NPC you may play.
You're intricately tied to a Player.
This is a type of NPC that comes with a pre-established relationship with a Player. These relationships must be mutually built, always prioritizing the comfort of both the NPC’s and the Player’s muns. In a perfect campaign, both the Player and the NPC would influence each other’s stories inside and outside of the main campaign.
As inspiration, consider the following examples:
★ A Player’s entry fee ends up being an NPC, as the NPC is their most valuable person.
★ An NPC is at fault for killing a Player, thus landing them in the Reaper’s game.
★ The NPC is a family member of Player, and they've been looking for them after their death/disappearance.
Once you have an idea for an NPC you’d be interested in testing, we’ll ask you to share it with us via ticket! If you’re comfortable with worldbuilding, this is where we’d be able to better accommodate your NPC. Once this introduction process is ready, you'll be able to move onto your app! (Don't worry, it's nothing too jarring!)
You run an independent business, baby!
This is a type of NPC may or may not be tied to a main Player. Whether the owner of an independant business or merely an employee, they're usually behind the counter and offer their services to our Players!
As inspiration, consider the following examples:
★ NPC is a bartender working late hours at the bar. They usually offer a drink to a troubled cast.
★ NPC is a fashion designer and they know it! They've decided to set up shop in Loin Quarter, where Players are able to buy their creations.
★ NPC runs a sushi restaurant. Their food always leaves their costumers feeling brave!
Shop-Keep information is currently a little more hush-hush so we won't spoil our players, but if you're interested in this position, make sure to send us a ticket and we'll discuss the details of the position with you!​
NPC Overview
what's expected of me?
As you already know, NPCs are characters that require little mantainance!
Here's a rundown of current NPC expectations:
★ Low participation requirements. NPCs can’t participate in missions, but they can help out in both direct and indirect ways! Without giving away too much, NPCs will be able to have indirect effects on the Players and the plot!
★ Plenty of rp opportunities outside of plot rps. We’ll have spaces where NPCs can rp with Players and other NPCs alike! So if you’re not ready to partake in the main campaign but still want to build oc relationships, this might be a good option.
★ Pain, destruction, love, dRAMA! Ok, picture this, like, picture a Player and NPC who promise to graduate together, and then like, Player dies and sets themself to win the Reaper’s Game to go back to NPC, and like- Ok, you get the gist of it. The point is, we’d like to give people the option to build meaningful relationships outside of the Reaper’s Game but not excluded to DMs!
So, if you're still interested.............
Welcome to the team!
Too little time? Drawing shoes stresses you out? Perfect! For NPCs we only require a bust app.
The written portion will be delivered via Google Form!
Both types of NPC have a different form to fill in, but the overall content is as follows:
★ Name: Character’s full name OR a nickname they use. We’re not picky.
★ Age: Must be 16+
★ Pronouns: May include gender as well!
★ Height: For visual reference, go ham friends
★ Familiar NPC: Who are you tied to? What's your role in their story?
★ Shopkeep NPC: What kinda business are you running? Where are you located? What kinda goods are we dealing with here?
And that's pretty much it! Easy, right?
You probably want an NPC too, right? Well, worry not!
Once we've gotten comfortable with our Players and the narrative allows for it, you'll be allowed to create NPCs too! We'd like you to stick to your Player OC for now though. As main characters, we'd like to get to know them well before you branch out. The spotlight is on you, after all!
Stay strong friend...!! You'll be able to juggle more OCs soon enough...