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TAGS are a system we thought of including to make sure all Characters have their fair shot at being themselves! Though still something we need to test, we hope you'll enjoy it!



TAGS are, quite literally, tags that will accompany your character through their journey! You can think of them as very specific skills or a passive ability of sorts, aka something your character is inherently good at... or bad at!


All characters will start with ONE tag to their name, whether positive or negative.

This tag will directly influence the way your character performs in-game, as long as their specific tag is involved in the narrative!


(Why would I want a negative tag, you ask? For clownery, of course!!) 



While it may sound a little complicated, it's actually pretty simple!


TAGS come in all shapes and forms, and they all adhere to your character's... well, character! You can base them off their background, their personality, or even a skill they don't know about yet.


When a specific TAG comes into play, either through the narrative or one of your character's actions, they can grant you advantage, disadvantage, or even let you get away with not having to roll at all! Pretty sweet, right?



In order to give a better idea of what a TAG is and how it'll come into play, we figured it'd be easier to understand through example!​


For this, we're going to use Prelude and Maggie. Say hi!

PRELUDE is an immature, but well-meaning kid. He's been skateboarding since he was a wee lad, and specializes in street art.


With that in mind, his starting TAG could be:

★ SK8R LIFE: Basically born on a skateboard, Prelude will nail any sick tricks you throw his way!

This would mean that any time he specifically performs a SICK FLIP on his skateboard, Prelude will either be granted roll advantage, or be assumed to have succeeded without the need to roll!


This does not mean, however, that you can replace Prelude's SWAG rolls with his tag all the time.

If, say, someone replaced his skateboard with rollerblades, he'd lose his comfort zone for sure! He'd need to roll a normal SWAG dice then.


If he were to use his tag and try to sneak around... well, it would probably work against him, what with bringing his skateboard into Metal Gear Solid and all...  In that case, he'd need to roll disadvantage.



MAGGIE is an accomplished woman with a solid career in wrestling. Though seemingly intimidating, her motherly nature will always shine through!


With that in mind, her starting TAG could be:

★ MOMSTER: Kind and loving in her very core, Maggie uses her physical prowess to protect the people around her!


Just like before, this would mean each time Maggie tries to stand up for a little one, she will either gain advantage or get a free roll pass!


It does not mean, however, that her BEEF rolls will be replaced by the tag all the time. I

If her main motivation is to protect, that'd mean she might not perform as well when it comes to fighting 1on1. In that case, she'd roll a normal BEEF dice.


On the other hand, if Maggie chose to use her tag in order to protect someone while in a battle way beyond her skill level, she might just end up biting more than she can chew. In that case, she'd need to roll disadvantage.





There's 2 ways a TAG will trigger!



This is a trigger that'll happen AUTOMATICALLY in the course of the narrative! Because your TAGS are something innate to your character, it's really no surprise they'd come into play even when they're not actively being used.

These triggers can be positive AND negative, depending on who you're dealing with!


Imagine you're Prelude and you're faced with an NPC, whether as an obstacle or a conversational partner (What? NPCs like talking too!)


If said NPC is a fellow SK8R, that'd probably make things easier to deal with for Prelude! Instant connection, flawless chesmitry, waw...!

If the NPC in your way happened to be a very courteous butler with a rep to keep, though, then Prelude might not be his first choice...



This trigger is one YOU activate!


While we ask that general rolls are performed before writing your post, TAGS work differently!

Because they're something so intimate to your character, you'll be allowed to 'skip' the roll as long as your post states that your TAG is being used. eg:


Prelude does a sick flip. [TAG: SK8ER LIFE]


When the mod catches up with you, they'll let you know whether you roll advantage, disadvantage, or whether you get away with a free roll. Remember, it all depends on the narrative!



While the game starts with ONE innate tag for each player, we hope to grant more ways to get them as we progress!

Not only that, but as your OC grows and changes, their innate TAG might grow and change too. Wow!! (Don't forget to send in a ticket if you feel like your TAG has changed!)


The TAG possibilities are endless, and considering this is a new concept for us too, we hope you'll get to know and solidify this concept alongside us!

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