What, did you think we'd have a TWEWY-inspired campaign without pins? Hehehe...
Now that you're here, its time to learn all about pins in DEATH RACE!
What's a PIN?
PINS are more or less a catalyst to unleash your inner power. That's right, friend, yer a wizard!! ... Kinda!
Though people often confuse the PIN as the one having power, the truth is PINS draw their power from your own self, soul, imagination, or whatever you'd like to call it. For the sake of easier understanding, though, we'll be calling it PSYCHE, or PSY for short.
When you have a PIN in your hand, you'll be able to call upon its power to aid you in any way you need, be it battle or mundane tasks.
As long as you have a PIN with you, whether using it or not, you'll have a fighting chance against the NOISE!
Remember the BLANK PIN you got at the end of your first day? This is your MAIN PIN, and thus the very manifestation of your character's PSYCHE. This means that whatever power they hold in their heart will be materialized as soon as they use their PIN!
This PIN's power can be anything you can think of. Whether something as traditional as calling upon the power of an element, or something new and exciting as teleporting or flying, the world is your oyster!
As a rule of thumb, though, we'd avoid PSYCHE powers that'd involve...
★ Time traveling
★ Reality bending
★ Future sight
★ Mind reading/manipulation
★ Any other generally meta concepts you can think of!
After being used for the very first time, your PIN will stop being blank.
... Did we say the world is your oyster?
Well, you can take that figuratively. Truth is, your character is still kinda new at this, and thus, their MAIN PIN is still very much a baby!
All Main Pins will begin at RANK 1, with the possibility to grow all the way up to RANK 5.
Let's take a very basic FIRE PIN as an example to help illustrate your PIN's evolutive state.
★ At Rank 1, your Pin is still rather small. Chances are it will only manage a little fireball right now.
★ At Rank 3, you have a better understanding of yourself and your Pin. Flames will bend to your will, but you're not ready to cause a forest fire just yet.
★ At Rank 5, you'll have reached your maximum PSYCHE status (Or so we'd like to think!), meaning you're now a full fledged Firebending Master!
MAIN PINs will evolve alongside your character, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to think their properties would change with time, too!
With that in mind, whether you plan ahead on your MAIN PIN's evolutive state or not is totally up to you. Have fun, my dudes!
To obtain Pin Ranks, we suggest you show up to every Main Event we hold, as Ranks will be gained naturally through the campaign's progression!
If you show up to every Main Event, you'll probably be a full-on PIN MASTER by the time we reach the end.
Otherwise, we might consider releasing Rank-Up items through Shops... at a later date!
Now that you know all there is to know about MAIN PINs, its time to get those creative juices flowing!
Before being able to use your pin, you'll need to get it approved via MOD TICKET. We're excited to hear your ideas, and we'd love to help accommodate them with the current narrative flow!
Once the main idea is approved, we'll be moving onto your pin's DESIGN! You didn't think you'd get away from us, did you? Hehehe...
... Just kidding, the design aspect is optional, but we really really REALLY encourage it!
Your MAIN PIN can look however you'd want it to. Whether it matches your chosen power or delves into something deeper when it comes to your Character, anything's game!
For everyone's convenience, here's a PIN TEMPLATE you can use. Make sure to submit the final result to the Discord Server!
With the addition of PINS, a new type of roll has been added to your repertoire!
PSYCHE (PSY) A type of roll exclusive to your PSYCHIC abilities. Must be used to activate your PIN's power!
Whenever you perform an action with your PINS, you'll roll a PSY dice.
Just like with TAGS, pins will be intricately woven into the narrative. Though they won't be granted 'free passes', depending on the situation, they might be granted advantage or disadvantage!
For writing convenience, rolls will be done BEFORE you type your reply. We find that this gives a better understanding of your character's course of action within the narrative!
When writing your reply, make sure to include your Pin's name and result in the narrative. eg.
Saga created a fireball. [PIN: PIN NAME | 11]
MAIN PINS can be used a certain amount of times depending on their RANK.
★ At Rank 1 & 2, the PIN may be used 2 times a day.
★ At Ranks 3 & 4, the PIN may be used 3 times a day.
★ At Rank 5, the PIN may be used 4 times a day.
REGULAR PINS can be used once a day.
Regular PINs are the ones you'll find out in the wild! They can be bought in shops, obtained as Side-Gig rewards, or even be given as a gift by an NPC.
These PINs come with a very specific description and power that can't be altered. Some are more useful than others, but it never hurts to have a bunch of different PINs in your repertoire, right?
All Players will start with 1 extra PIN SLOT. This slot is where you'll be able to equip any PIN that is not your main one!
You'll be able to gain more slots as you progress through the campaign, with the PIN SHOP offering them as one of their items.