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AKA. The Reaper's Game

A quick guide to understanding the Reaper’s game and its rules!
*Disclaimer: Not all rules will match the original game’s. This  is a different Composer, after all!


So... What is Death Race?

DEATH RACE, also known as the Reaper's Game, is a competition in which those who have died have a chance to participate. The winner may have a second lease on life.

In order to participate, all players must give up that which they value most as their
entry fee. This can be physical (a memento, people, etc.) as it can be psychological (dreams, memories, etc.)
Not to worry, though, you’ll get it back- if you win the game!


How? I’m supposed to be dead...

Here’s the thing. You are dead. But in joining the game, you became part of a parallel reality in which you’re allowed to run free.
Think of yourself as a ghost. Sad, right? You can see and hear the people left alive, but they can't see or hear you at all. The only people you can interact with are
 Reapers and fellow players... For now.
Oh, and the
Noise. But that’s for a later question!


Who are the Reapers?

You may think of them as the Game Masters, all coming with different ranks and obligations. They’ll watch over you as well as hand out game missions.  Though not without protocol, Reapers are allowed to Erase players if they so deem it.
Fun fact, but unlike you, Reapers are actually allowed to interact with live people. Cool, huh?


Wait, wait, hold on- Erase?

It wouldn’t be a game without a little spice, right?
Erasure means you’ve lost. A second death of sorts. This tends to happen when all players fail the mission handed out by the Reaper- or simply by not being strong enough.
Reapers are not the only ones with the power to Erase players- there’s also the Noise, which I’m sure you’ll encounter sooner or later.


What are the Noise?

Noise are a race of beings born from one’s Soul. They usually form from the strong emotions of those in the world of the living, taking on the appearance of an animal or mythical creature of sorts. If it’s easier for you, you may refer to them as ‘Monsters’ or ‘Demons’.
Some are chill enough, but when in Ghost World, they’re able to attack those who approach them. When it comes to the Real World, they’re able to influence the emotions of the living.
We Reapers have found ways to make them cooperate with our game, but how that happens is our little secret!


So… What’s that about missions?

There will be a total of 7 Missions handed out throughout your time here. Each mission can be anything from defeating Noise to helping a Reaper out with their chores. Some missions may be cleared as long as one player reaches the goal, while others will require each individual person to do so.
As you already know, failing to complete the day’s mission will result in
Erasure, so make sure to do your part!



Now that’s the question of a winner! Survive and get through all 7 missions, and then... well, we’ll just have to wait and  see!


Oh, and one more thing before you go...

This game’s rules are simple.

1. No Player will erase another Player
2. No Player may speak of the game to any non-player/non-reaper

And that’s it! Simple, right? However, don’t forget...
You break the rules, you’re gone for good.


A handy guide for our beloved Player

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