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The rolling system in DEATH RACE is very much what you'd expect! For the sake of transparency and understanding though, we'll give you a quick rundown of what each aspect means.



Most actions, if not all, will be defined by the mighty power of a 1d20


As a rule of thumb, you may freely assume that the general success value would be anything above 11.

This number may vary depending on the situational threshold, however. In other words, if a baby noise needs a 5+ in order for a roll to be successful, a bigger noise might need a 10+, and so on.

Since we're looking to achieve immersion, the chances of success will directly depend on the current narrative!



On most cases, you'll be asked to roll by the mods following a prompt. Otherwise, you might roll at your own leisure when it comes to your personal decisions and RPs!


For writing convenience, rolls will be done BEFORE you type your reply. We find that this gives a better understanding of your character's course of action within the narrative!


When writing your reply, make sure to include your roll type and result in the narrative. eg.


Maggie does a bench press. [BF 18]



Roll prompts will usually come with a 'type', much like in any tabletop RPing game!

For this particular campaign, we'll be using...


BEEF (BFFor punching, wrestling, flexing, martial arts, 1 braincellery and any other jock needs.

SWAG (SWIncludes parkour, sick flips, sneaking around, crazy tricks and sweet dodges! Its a sk8r life baybe.

NERVE (NR) Whether intimidating or kind, being honest or telling a lie, this is the stat to make your charisma shine!

BRAIN (BRIf you need to make a smart observation or wish to perceive your environment. Kinda for nerds, but very necessary.

PSYCHE (PSY) A mysterious type of roll. We don't know much about it... yet!



While modifiers won't have much of an impact at the very start of the campaign, they will definitely be present!


With that in mind, they'll be properly addressed at a later date. Hehehe... suspense...



Depending on the situation or your current TAGS , your rolls may be granted either an advantage or a disadvantage.


This means that you'll be rolling twice (2d20) for the turn. On advantage, you get to keep the higher value from your rolls, while on disadvantage the very opposite happens!



An exception to a bad/fatal roll will be granted for what we call a LUCK POINT.


This luck point will allow you to defy the fate bestowed upon you by the dice and take the reigns of your dead life...! But beware, each player is granted ONE luck roll in the entirety of the game. Use it wisely!


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